Biology Quiz - Ecology Terms
1. The study of the interrelationships of living organisms and their environment is:
A ecology
B habitat
C biotic
2. Examples of abiotic or physical factors in the environment are:
A tide height and number of parasites
B temperature and amount of water
C amount of food and light
3. The number of a particular species of organism in a given area at a particular time is the:
A community
B population
C habitat
4. A lion hunts and eats an antelope. In this case, the lion is the:
A predator
B prey
C parasite
5. An example of a parasite-host relationship is:
A a fly eating food on a table
B a vine using a larger tree for support
C a tick living on a dog
6. Sheep and kangaroos both eat the same grass in a paddock. This is an example of:
A competition
B predation
C parasitism
7. The relationship where two different organisms live closely together for long periods of time is called:
A predation
B competition
C symbiosis
8. Factors that are least likely to affect populations of organisms on earth are:
A number of cyclones and droughts
B movements of planets and stars in other solar systems
C amount of food and disease
9. A physical factor in the environment that affects the behaviour of crabs the most is:
Aamount of rain
Btide height
Ctree height
10. Organisms that are most affected by the change of seasons are:
Ctropical fish
11. Organisms that are most affected by the buoyancy of ocean water would be:
12. Oxygen gas dissolves more rapidly in water that is:
Awarmer and moving
Bwarmer and stationary
Ccooler and moving
13. Fish are streamlined in shape for faster movement in water. This is an example of a:
Astructural adaptation
Bbehavioural adaptation
Cphysiological adaptation
14. During the heat of the day in the desert, many lizards burrow underground to keep cooler. This is an example of a:
Aphysiological adaptation
Bstructural adaptation
Cbehavioural adaptation
15. An example of reproductive adaptation is:
Asharks having an air bladder to allow them to travel through different water depths
Bpeacocks displaying their feathers to attract a mate
Cbears hibernating during the winter months


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Q 1:
Q 2:
Q 3:
Q 4:
Q 5:
Q 6:
Q 7:
Q 8:
Q 9:
Correct Answers
Q 1:
Q 2:
Q 3:
Q 4:
Q 5:
Q 6:
Q 7:
Q 8:
Q 9: