Biology Quiz - Environmental Issues and Energy Alternatives
1. The main gases responsible for the Greenhouse Effect are:
A carbon dioxide and methane
B oxygen and nitrous oxide
C water and ozone
2. The main man-made cause of climate change / global warming is probably the result of:
A water pollution
B factory and car emissions
C sewage
3. It is believed that the thinning of the ozone layer is the result of chlorofluorocarbons. These gases have been used in:
A electric heaters and clothes driers
B spray cans and refrigerators
C cigarette lighters and air-conditioners
4. The main gases that produce acid rain are:
A sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides
B ozone and oxygen gas
C chlorofluorocarbons
5. The release of excessive amounts of harmful substances such as car and factory fumes and tyre rubber into the atmosphere is called:
A noise pollution
B mutagenic pollution
C air pollution
6. To reduce pollution from cars, the Australian government has legislated that all new cars must use:
A unleaded petrol
B diesel fuel
C leaded petrol
7. When phosphate-containing wastes from detergents and fertilisers reach our waterways, water plants grow excessively extracting oxygen from the water causing fish to suffocate. This process is called:
A phosphatisation
B sewage recycling
C eutrophication
8. Substances that are easily broken down into harmless substances by decomposers are termed:
A environmentally unfriendly
B biodegradable
C non-biodegradable
9. An example of a species that was introduced to Australia with harmful results is the:
Acactoblastis moth
Bcane toad
10. Instead of using pesticides to eradicate pests, another method using the pest's natural predators or parasites to control its numbers is frequently used. This environmentally friendly method is termed:
Abiological control
Bpredator release
Cinsecticide management
11. Examples of toxins that biologically magnify or accumulate in organisms are:
Aheavy metals and carbon dioxide
Bmercury and DDT
Cfat and CFC's
12. Examples of fossil fuels are:
Auranium and carbonised dinosaur remains
Brenewable fuels
Ccoal, oil and natural gas
13. Renewable energy alternatives are those that:
Aare abundant or can be regrown or recycled in a short time period
Bare environmentally friendly such as coal
Cnever cause pollution nor environmental damage at all
14. Examples of biomass energy alternatives are:
Auranium and plutonium
Bcoal, oil and natural gas
Ctimber, methane and alcohol
15. Present disadvantages of using renewable energy alternatives are that they are:
Aexpensive to run and environmentally unfriendly
Brelatively inefficient and geographically selective
Cinefficient and polluting


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Q 9:
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Q 2:
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Q 4:
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Q 8:
Q 9: