Physics Quiz - Forces in Liquids
1. Cohesion is the force of attraction between particles close to each other in:
A the same substance
B substances that dissolve in water
C different substances
2. Adhesion is the force of attraction between particles close to each other in:
A different substances
B the same substance
C substances that dissolve in water
3. Cohesive forces cause:
A the attraction between water and its container
B the round shape of water droplets
C the cleaning action of detergents in water
4. Surface tension is:
A the attraction at the surface of water only
B cohesion at the surface of liquids
C unaffected by soaps
5. To overcome the problem of surface tension in a diving pool, a person may:
A dive with clasped pointed hands
B do a belly flop dive
C dive with hands flat and at right angles to the surface of the water
6. The greater the cohesive forces of a liquid, the:
A larger will be its droplet
B smaller will be its droplet
C less spherical will be the droplet
7. Surface tension in a diving pool can be reduced by:
A addition of detergents
B fountains in the water
C both of the above
8. Oil droplets are:
A smaller than water droplets
B the same diameter as water droplets
C larger than water droplets
9. The rounded shape of the surface of a liquid in its container is called the:
Asurface tension
10. The meniscus of a liquid is the result of the adhesive attraction between the particles of:
Athe liquid and the container
Bthe water and its contents
Cthe liquid and any dissolved particles
11. If three thin open tubes with different diameters were stood upright in a container of water, the water level would be:
Athe same in all three tubes
Bhighest in the thinnest tube
Chighest in the thickest tube
12. The movement of water from the tree roots up to the leaves is by:
Acapillary action
Bsurface tension
13. Flower growers use the concept of capillary action when they:
Aplace cut flowers in dyed water to colour the petals
Badd extra minerals to the soil to increase respiration
Cadjust the lengths of daylight in greenhouses to stimulate flowering and fruiting
14. The meniscus of mercury is different to that of water in that it:
Ais straight
Bcurves in an upright U-shape
Ccurves in an upside down U-shape
15. When using a measuring cylinder with water, one should read the:
Amiddle of the meniscus
Bbottom of the meniscus
Ctop of the meniscus


Your Answers
Q 1:
Q 2:
Q 3:
Q 4:
Q 5:
Q 6:
Q 7:
Q 8:
Q 9:
Correct Answers
Q 1:
Q 2:
Q 3:
Q 4:
Q 5:
Q 6:
Q 7:
Q 8:
Q 9: